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エリン舎はバーニーズマウンテンドッグ(Bernese Mountain Dog)のブリーダーです

About Bernese


  • バーニーズマウンテンドッグ(以下:バーニーズ)は、愛嬌たっぷりの顔立ちと人懐っこい性格が魅力的な犬種です。優しく頼れるパートナーとして世界中で親しまれています。
    そのためたいていのバーニーズは遊びながら色んなものを壊してしまうので、上手に ”叱る” ことがたいせつです。

    The Bernese Mountain Dog (referred to as Bernese or BMD) is a fascinating dog breed with the appeal of attractive features and friendly nature.
    Bernese is popular all over the world as a gentle, and dependable partner.
    This breed has a rich appearance and loves to interact with people.
    They have a gentle character and are obedient to their owners.
    They are imposing as they were originally watchdogs, and the puppies are naughty and pampered.
    The Bernese dogs tend to break many things and it is important to "scold" well.

  • しつけというと『オテ』『マテ』や『オスワリ』などがきちんとできることと思っておりませんか?これは『訓練』であってしつけではありません。『しつけ』は、飼い主さんとBMDの間のゆるぎない信頼関係と思っております。信頼関係ができれば『オテ』『マテ』や『オスワリ』の訓練は、簡単にできます。

    Do you think that the instructions “Shake hands”,“Wait”, and“Sit”is discipline?
    These are “Training” and not discipline.
    “Discipline” means the unshakable trust relationship between the owner and BMD.
    Training of “Shake hands”, “Wait”, and “Sit” is easy once the trust relationship is established.
    Let us study the “Habits” of BMD to establish a relationship of trust.
    Originally BMD was born with the gene to establish a cooperative relationship with humans.
    Therefore, let us together build a great relationship with BMD taking advantage of its personality.

  • 犬にとっては、上下関係が生きるために大切なものになっています。もともと野生で生活していたので群れをなし、リーダーの元で生活していました。そのため、飼い主をリーダーと思わせる必要があります。やってはいけないことをやってしまったら、しっかりドスの効いた低い小さな声で叱ってあげてください。逆にちゃんとできた時は思い切り褒めてあげてください。それが良好な上下関係を作る秘訣です。

    This is important as there is a hierarchical relationship with dogs.
    The dogs originally lived in the wild and used to live in groups under a leader.
    For this reason, they have to be trained to think that the owner is the leader.
    You should scold your pet with a Low and small voice if it does something that is not to be done.
    That is the secret to building a good hierarchical relationship.

  • 生後1ヶ月から3ヶ月は、社会性が育つ大切な時期と言われております。どんどん抱っこをして、外に連れ出し、多くの人に抱いてもらったり、触ってもらって社会性を身につけましょう。大きくなってBMDは、いろいろな人に触られるのは、ストレスになる場合もありますが、この大切な時期に誰彼となく接触することによってそれも防ぐことができます。

    The period from one to three months after birth is said to be the important period for developing sociability.
    Let us help them to acquire sociability by hugging them, taking them out, and getting others to touch and hug them.
    BMD becomes stressed when touched by various people once they grow up. This stress can be prevented by ensuring that many people touch them during this important period.
    There is concern that infection might occur, but they will have the immunity of the mother up to 60 days. There is nothing to worry if they are given vaccination .

  • バーニーズは、他の犬種と異なり5年経ってやっと形のできる犬種です。1歳2ヶ月~2歳で首から下の厚みが出てきています。2歳から2歳6ヶ月になると今度は下半身がしっかりしてきます。全体的に厚みも出て来て、足がだいぶ短くなってきます。

    The Bernese are unlike other breeds and form fully over five years.
    The body mass from neck down increases from 1 year 3 months to 2 years of age.
    Next, there is solid lower body development from 2 years to 2 years 6 months.
    They become heavier overall and the legs become considerably shorter.
    Once they reach the age of 5, the body size increases, and the chest below the neck also becomes larger, and the legs shorter.
    This is the time when you feel that it is a Bernese, and they are now able to demonstrate splendid action as a mature dog.

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